Chassidish - Identifies with the Chassidic community and follows their practices.
Conservative - Follows Jewish laws according to practice outlined in Conservative Judaism.
Conservadox - Not fully Shabbat observant when in private, but tends to be publicly. Tends to attend Orthodox synagogue services.
Just Jewish - Born Jewish but do not affiliate with any specific orientation or follow any specific Jewish customs or laws.
Lubavitch – Identifies with the Lubavitch/Chabad community and follows their practices.
Modern Orthodox (liberal) - Shomer Shabbat, may eat dairy out, quite often do not attend synagogue except on Shabbat, may or may not pray 1 or more times a day. Do not have a religious objection to going to bars, clubs, movies, coed beaches.
Modern Orthodox (machmir) - Shomer Shabbat, fully Shomer Kashrus, davens daily, learns on a regular basis. Strictly follow halacha while being involved in the secular world and working.
Modern Orthodox (middle of the road) - Some of the character traits of Machmir and some of Liberal.
Modern Yeshivish - Identify with the Yeshivish community, which may reflect itself in how one dresses, while at the same time believing it is important to have a career.
Spiritual but not religious - Feels a spiritual connection to Judaism, but does not follow any of the laws.
Traditional - Follows a few traditions that have been passed down to them, such as lighting Shabbat candles, having a Shabbat meal with family and might also go to synagogue services during some or all of the holidays, but generally does not practice most religious details.
Yeshivish - Follows the hashkafah of the Litvish yeshivas. Focus is on Torah learning and careful mitzvah observance. Halacha is followed strictly and there is often an avoidance of secular pursuits.